Dickinson College

Dining Services
Made-to-order items
Made-to-order items
[Yes, for all stations]
How are ingredients available?
Table: Ingredient Info Availability
Top 8 allergens, online database
Full ingredients, online database
Top 8 allergens, a list is posted in the dining hall
Full ingredients, a list is posted in the dining hall
Top 8 allergens, available on request in the dining hall
Full ingredients, available on request in the dining hall
Top 8 Allergens
Full Ingredients
Specific areas

Delis, grills, and chef's action stations.  All venues have information available.

Additional Information

All guests with special dietary needs are encouraged to meet with management and chefs to learn how and where to find information and to determine what we can do to help meet dietary needs.  Cross-contact is always a possibility in the best of environments so we want to take extra precautions for those with the potential for severe reactions or life-threatening issues.

1. We provide access to ingredient information for made-to-order* items. *Made-to-order - Meals that are prepared on request and to your specification in the dining hall. Examples include a sandwich station, omelet station, burrito station, etc.
Self-Serve Items
Self-Serve Items
[Yes, for all stations]
How are ingredients available?
Table: Ingredient Info Availability
Top 8 allergens, online database
Full ingredients, online database
Top 8 allergens, a list is posted in the dining hall
Full ingredients, a list is posted in the dining hall
Top 8 allergens, available on request in the dining hall
Full ingredients, available on request in the dining hall
Top 8 Allergens
Full Ingredients
Specific areas

Salad bar, grains bar, special self-service bars, beverages, desserts, breads, and cereals.

Additional Information

A complete list of all cereals and ingredients are posted at the cereal station.

All guests with special dietary needs are encouraged to meet with management and chefs to learn how and where to find information and to determine what we can do to help meet dietary needs.  Cross-contact is always a possibility in the best of environments so we want to take extra precautions for those with the potential for severe reactions or life-threatening issues.

2. We provide access to ingredient information for self-serve* items. *Self-serve - Meals that are served buffet-style in a dining hall. These are typically high risk for cross-contact and are best avoided by diners with food allergies.
Made-To-Order Areas
Made-to-order areas
[Yes, in all stations]
Additional information

We have a dedicated allergen-free preparation area in the kitchen: the area is used for allergen-free plate-ups and prep of allergen-free menu items.


All cooks, line servers, and managers receive ServSafe ALLERGENS training in addition to regular food safety and protection training and/or receive in-house allergen training based on ServSafe and R.D. research.

All employees are trained to change gloves upon request, frequently during the shift, and especially when handling Top 8 allergen ingredients.

We use dedicated pans and induction burners or high-speed ovens to prepare allergen-free and special request foods. We also use barriers such as sandwich foil or papers on grills, preparation boards, and tables.

3. We have procedures in place to lower the risk of cross-contact in made-to-order areas.
Self-Serve Areas
Self-Serve Areas
[Yes, in all areas]
Additional Information

We have one salad bar island designated as a Top 8 allergen-free location and that island hosts the self-serve gluten-free counter with pre-plated, covered meals in a refrigerator (guest may re-heat in the mircro-wave or request a chef re-heat in the kitchen.  The island does host multi-use panini grills, a self-serve hand-dipped ice-cream cabinet, and a soup well; however, there is separation from the main salad bar and the gluten-free area.  The soup served on that island is usually the gluten-free option and we try to avoid serving a soup with any allergens from that area but occasionally it is unavoidable due to space limitations.

A gluten-free toaster is kept covered and behind the deli station that is located on the opposite side of the aisle near the gluten free counter: this keeps other guests from mistakenly contaminating the toaster.  A small George Foreman grill is kept in the gluten-free area as well.

We ask all guests with severe reactions to allergens to seek out the management team and chefs.  We will be happy to orient new guests to the facility and to the options we have available to serve them safe meals.

4. We have procedures in place to lower the risk of cross-contact in self-serve areas.
Pre-Order Meals
Do students have access to pre-order meals free from their allergens?
Additional information

Guests with severe food allergies or the need to pre-order special-diet plates should contact the Office of Disability Services before coming to campus.  The office has request for food accommodation forms and other resources to help with access to custom needs.  Visit: https://www.dickinson.edu/homepage/71/disability_services or https://www.dickinson.edu/info/20236/disability_services/1201/meal_plan… for more information.

5. We have pre-order meals* available. *Pre-order meals - Custom meals that can be ordered in advance by a diner so they are ready for pick up at a specific time. Typically these can be ordered online or by phone/text.
Allergy-Friendly Station
Do students have access to an allergy-friendly station(s) that is free from specific allergens?
What is the station free from?
Tree nut
Chef-assistance with special plate-up needs
6. We have an allergy-friendly station*. *Allergy-friendly station - A food station where specific ingredients are banned, typically including many or all items in the Top 8 allergens and gluten.
Dining Services Staff Member Trained?
Dining services staff trained?
[Yes, all staff]
How often?
At least once a year
Which course(s) are used?
ServSafe Allergen by National Restaurant Association
We developed our own food allergy training.
What topics are covered?

Program segments and slides:

Allergy or Intolerance?


Allergy Treatment

Food Intolerance

Allergy or Intolerance?

Most Common Allergies (Top 8... plus where they may be hidden) - Other allergens common on campus

Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act

Celiac Disease

Cross-contact v. Cross-Contamination

Allergic Response

Your Role as a Food Service Worker



7. We train dining services staff members.
Registered Dietitian on Staff?
Do you have a registered dietitian on staff?
8. We have a registered dietitian* on staff. *Registered dietitian - Registered dietitians are food and nutrition experts who are often tasked with helping students with food allergies navigate the dining halls.
Campus Life & Disabilities
RAs Trained
RA’s trained
9. We train our RA's.
Inclusive Residence Life Programs Including Food
Inclusive residence life programs involving food?
How can students access safe foods for residence life programs?

When events require RSVPs, we ask about dietary accommodations needed, and we work with Catering to meet the needs.  Student Groups also contact Catering Services at (717) 245-1318 or email catering@dickinson.edu

10. We have inclusive residence life programs* including food. *Inclusive residence life programs - Programs in the resident halls often include food. Inclusive residence life programs will offer students with food allergies the opportunity to request safe food alternatives for events they attend in the dorms.
Accommodations for Roommate Assignments
ROLLUP - Accommodations for roommate assignments
How does the school provide accommodations?
Trying to match students with food allergies for room assignments upon request
Facilitating roommate agreements involving food allergies upon request
Working with students to change roommate assignments if it becomes necessary
Does the housing office process requests?
No, another office on campus processes these requests (please specify)
Accommodation requests are processed by the Office of Disability Services
Where can students get more information?
The Office of Disability Services
Additional information

*Students will see this disclaimer with housing information on our site

“Every accommodation request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. A housing accommodation cannot be guaranteed prior to an individual evaluation.”

11. We offer accommodations for roommate assignments. *Every accommodation request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. A housing accommodation cannot be guaranteed prior to an individual evaluation.
Disability Services Office Processes Food Allergy and Celiac Disease Accommodation Requests
Disability services office processes food allergy and celiac disease accommodation requests
Other departments a student should contact?

Dining Services

How can students submit an accommodations request?

Accommodation requests are made online through a student ID and password-accessible form.

Online form located on ODS website: www.dickinson.edu/ODS-dietary

Additional Information

As a four-year residential college, all students living on campus are required to purchase a meal plan. If you are seeking a dietary accommodation based on a documented medical condition, every reasonable effort will be made by Dining Services to support your dietary needs, while maintaining Dickinson’s core belief that dining with fellow students is an important facet of life at a residential college.

12. Our disability office processes food allergy and celiac disease accommodation requests.
Health Services
What health services are offered?
Food allergy management care
Prescriptions for epinephrine
Fulfill epinephrine prescriptions in our pharmacy
Seasonal allergy shots
We have an allergy clinic on campus
We do not fill outside prescriptions, but have epinephrine on-site. We refer to an allergist. We provide allergy injections per an allergist order.
See what health services we offer >
Emergency Response
Stock, Undesignated Epinephrine Available for Emergency Response
Stock, undesignated epinephrine for emergencies
13. We have stock, undesignated epinephrine* available for emergency response. *Stock, undesignated epinephrine - Epinephrine that is prescribed to a college or university rather than to a particular student. This epinephrine is kept on hand to use for any student that experiences anaphylaxis.
Campus Emergency Responders Carry Epinephrine
Campus emergency responders carry epinephrine
Who are the emergency responders?
On-campus emergency responders
City emergency responders
County emergency responders
Additional information
  • Department of Public Safety has an average response time that is faster than the local emergency responders and is on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • The department has designated police officers, not security staff.
  • Emergency call stations are located throughout campus areas.
  • A campus safety shuttle is available to transport students and staff at night.
  • 911 dispatch and DPS dispatch cross-contact on all campus-related emergency calls.
  • AED stations are located across campus and DPS officers carry AED units in patrol vehicles.
14. Our campus emergency responders carry epinephrine.
Emergency Response Policy
What does the policy allow for?
Designated, trained staff to help administer a student’s epinephrine or stock, undesignated epinephrine in an emergency
Staff is trained to recognize anaphylaxis and call emergency responders
See what our emergency response policy allows for >
Contact Info
Disability Staff Contact
Last Updated on:
College profiles containing a purple checkmark under the university name are verified college users. All other profiles have been generated through publicly available information from college websites. Accommodations may be available that are not listed here.