Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Dining Services
Made-to-order items
Made-to-order items
[Yes, for some stations]
How are ingredients available?
Table: Ingredient Info Availability
Top 8 allergens, online database
Full ingredients, online database
Top 8 allergens, a list is posted in the dining hall
Full ingredients, a list is posted in the dining hall
Top 8 allergens, available on request in the dining hall
Full ingredients, available on request in the dining hall
Top 8 Allergens
Full Ingredients
Everyday App
Specific areas

All dining hall stations have signage identifying the top eight allergens. Students may ask a Dining Manager and/or Executive Chef for full ingredients lists or product labels at any time.


Additional Information

All dining hall stations have signage identifying the top eight allergens. Top eight allergen and nutrition information can also be found through our mobile Bite Sodexo app, allowing for students to plan their meals before entering the dining hall.

1. We provide access to ingredient information for made-to-order* items. *Made-to-order - Meals that are prepared on request and to your specification in the dining hall. Examples include a sandwich station, omelet station, burrito station, etc.
Self-Serve Items
Self-Serve Items
[Yes, for some stations]
How are ingredients available?
Table: Ingredient Info Availability
Top 8 allergens, online database
Full ingredients, online database
Top 8 allergens, a list is posted in the dining hall
Full ingredients, a list is posted in the dining hall
Top 8 allergens, available on request in the dining hall
Full ingredients, available on request in the dining hall
Top 8 Allergens
Full Ingredients
We have no self serve in this area of the dining hall.
Specific areas

All dining hall stations are served and have signage identifying the top eight allergens. Top eight allergens and nutrition information can also be found through our mobile Bite Sodexo app, allowing for students to plan their meals before entering the dining hall. 

Additional Information

All Dining Managers and/or Executive Chef are AllerTrained and available at anytime to help students with any of their questions. 

2. We provide access to ingredient information for self-serve* items. *Self-serve - Meals that are served buffet-style in a dining hall. These are typically high risk for cross-contact and are best avoided by diners with food allergies.
Made-To-Order Areas
Made-to-order areas
[Yes, in some stations]
Specific areas

Simple Serving station is isolated from other stations. Simple Servings station has a kitchen and a prep table to help prevent cross-contact. Utensils are colored purple to label as a Simple Serving utensils. Dining room tables are labeled as Simple Serving tables as well for students to sit with only Simple Serving plates. 

Simple Serving supplies are storage in covered bins and labeled to help prevent cross-contact. 

Additional information

Even if the food is not for the Simple Serving station, we have separate tongs and utensils in each serving bins to prevent cross contamination. We have our employees serve the food to students to prevent cross contact, we have our employees change gloves often when changing food items. 

3. We have procedures in place to lower the risk of cross-contact in made-to-order areas.
Self-Serve Areas
Self-Serve Areas
[Yes, in some areas]
Specific areas

All dining services staff are trained servers to serve food to the students to keep area clean. Servers are trained to separate tongs and utensils and to wear gloves. 

If you have a food allergy, please speak to the Dining Manager or Executive Chef, and they can help with any questions the student may have.

Additional Information

Even if the food is not for the Simple Serving station, we have separate tongs and utensils in each serving bins to prevent cross contamination. We have our employees serve the food to students to prevent cross contact, we have our employees change gloves often when changing food items. 

4. We have procedures in place to lower the risk of cross-contact in self-serve areas.
Pre-Order Meals
Do students have access to pre-order meals free from their allergens?
Additional information

Students with food restrictions that qualify as a medical necessity (as approved by the Office of Accessibility) have the ability to pre-order meals and will work directly with our Executive Chef and Registered Dietitian to set up an accommodation for customized meals. 

5. We have pre-order meals* available. *Pre-order meals - Custom meals that can be ordered in advance by a diner so they are ready for pick up at a specific time. Typically these can be ordered online or by phone/text.
Allergy-Friendly Station
Do students have access to an allergy-friendly station(s) that is free from specific allergens?
What is the station free from?
Tree nut
Additional Information

Simple Servings is our resident dining option, providing safe and appetizing food choices for our customers with food allergies and/or gluten intolerances. The Simple Services station does not offer foods made with the FDA most-common allergens of peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, wheat, soy, milk, and eggs. All foods offered will be made without gluten-containing ingredients. Simple Servings staff members are carefully trained to avoid cross-contact of their menu items. Purple utensils, pots and pans, cutting boards, knives, etc., are used to indicate allergen-free. 

We take pride in our cross-contact procedures. We have bins that separate the storage food items for Simple Servings station that is free from top 8 food allergens. We have a separate kitchen to cook food at that are free from the top food allergens. We have separate prep areas, table for students to eat at, and separate plates for Simple Serving location to prevent any cross-contact for food allergens. 


6. We have an allergy-friendly station*. *Allergy-friendly station - A food station where specific ingredients are banned, typically including many or all items in the Top 8 allergens and gluten.
Dining Services Staff Member Trained?
Dining services staff trained?
[Yes, all staff]
How often?
When hired
Which course(s) are used?
AllerTrain courses by MenuTrinfo
ServSafe Allergen by National Restaurant Association
We developed our own food allergy training.
Additional information

Information covered in training: Food allergy 101, anaphylaxis, avoiding and reducing cross-contact, college and university policies, celiac disease, food intolerances, and emergency procedures. 

All Dining Managers, Executive Chefs, Registered Dietitians, Simple Servings cooks, and applicable supervisors and sous chefs complete the AllertrainU certificate training by MenuTrinfo.

7. We train dining services staff members.
Registered Dietitian on Staff?
Do you have a registered dietitian on staff?
8. We have a registered dietitian* on staff. *Registered dietitian - Registered dietitians are food and nutrition experts who are often tasked with helping students with food allergies navigate the dining halls.
Campus Life & Disabilities
RAs Trained
RA’s trained
9. We train our RA's.
Inclusive Resident Life Programs Including Food
Inclusive resident life programs involving food?
How can students access safe foods for resident life programs?

RAs will ask residents for food allergies and residents will be provided safe alternatives. 

10. We have inclusive resident life programs* including food. *Inclusive resident life programs - Programs in the resident halls often include food. Inclusive resident life programs will offer students with food allergies the opportunity to request safe food alternatives for events they attend in the dorms.
Accommodations for Roommate Assignments
ROLLUP - Accommodations for roommate assignments
[Not answered]
How does the school provide accommodations?
Facilitating roommate agreements involving food allergies upon request
Working with students to change roommate assignments if it becomes necessary
Does the housing office process requests?
No, another office on campus processes these requests (please specify)
Disability Support Office
Where can students get more information?
11. We offer accommodations for roommate assignments. *Every accommodation request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. A housing accommodation cannot be guaranteed prior to an individual evaluation.
Disability Services Office Processes Food Allergy and Celiac Disease Accommodation Requests
Disability services office processes food allergy and celiac disease accommodation requests
Additional Information

 Through an interactive process, the Disability Support Services department works collaboratively with students and Dining Services to ensure their nutritional needs are met. Simple Servings is a great option for students who have allergies!

12. Our disability office processes food allergy and celiac disease accommodation requests.
Health Services
What health services are offered?
Prescriptions for epinephrine
See what health services we offer >
Emergency Response
Stock, Undesignated Epinephrine Available for Emergency Response
Stock, undesignated epinephrine for emergencies
Healthcare facilities
13. We have stock, undesignated epinephrine* available for emergency response. *Stock, undesignated epinephrine - Epinephrine that is prescribed to a college or university rather than to a particular student. This epinephrine is kept on hand to use for any student that experiences anaphylaxis.
Campus Emergency Responders Carry Epinephrine
Campus emergency responders carry epinephrine
Who are the emergency responders?
On-campus emergency responders
Additional information

Embry-Riddle has an emergency notification app to send updates to students directly on their phones. 

We have an on-site clinic staffed with RNs that carry Epinephrine as well as emergency responders on campus. 

14. Our campus emergency responders carry epinephrine.
Emergency Response Policy
What does the policy allow for?
Designated, trained staff to help administer a student’s epinephrine or stock, undesignated epinephrine in an emergency
Staff is trained to recognize anaphylaxis and call emergency responders
Additional Information

Our team is composed of Registered Nurses, a Medical Assistant, a Nurse Practitioner, a Physician, a Physician Assistant, a Registered Licensed Dietitian, a Flight Medical Support Specialist, and an Insurance Specialist. 

See what our emergency response policy allows for >
Contact Info
Dining Services Staff Contact
Cristina Caro, MBA, RDN, LDN, CMT & Stacey Scrabis, MS, RD, LDN
Cristina Caro: 404-750-3159 & Stacey Scrabis: 386-226-7912
Disability Staff Contact
Dr. Tracy A. Umpenhour
Last Updated on:
College profiles containing a purple checkmark under the university name are verified college users. All other profiles have been generated through publicly available information from college websites. Accommodations may be available that are not listed here.