Purdue University

Dining Services
Made-to-order items
Made-to-order items
[Yes, for all stations]
How are ingredients available?
Table: Ingredient Info Availability
Top 8 allergens, online database
Full ingredients, online database
Top 8 allergens, a list is posted in the dining hall
Full ingredients, a list is posted in the dining hall
Top 8 allergens, available on request in the dining hall
Full ingredients, available on request in the dining hall
Top 8 Allergens
Full Ingredients
All items are labeled in the dining courts with the Big 8 allergens. Additional package and recipe detail is available in the dining court everyday for items being served.
Specific areas

Quesadilla, pizza & pasta lines, sizzling salad lines, and stir fry lines

Additional Information

A high level, Allertrained dining staff member prepares allergic students’ meals in the station or in the back of the house when requested to ensure safety from cross contact.

1. We provide access to ingredient information for made-to-order* items. *Made-to-order - Meals that are prepared on request and to your specification in the dining hall. Examples include a sandwich station, omelet station, burrito station, etc.
Self-Serve Items
Self-Serve Items
[Yes, for all stations]
How are ingredients available?
Table: Ingredient Info Availability
Top 8 allergens, online database
Full ingredients, online database
Top 8 allergens, a list is posted in the dining hall
Full ingredients, a list is posted in the dining hall
Top 8 allergens, available on request in the dining hall
Full ingredients, available on request in the dining hall
Top 8 Allergens
Full Ingredients
not every item is listed online but information is availalbe upon request in the dining hall. Limited informaiton is available on Net Nutrition app. as well.
Specific areas

All self-serve areas have signage with Big 8 Allergen information posted in the dining court. We make every effort to keep food from cross contact in these areas but if there is a chance for anaphylaxis, we encourage a guest or student to request products from behind the line to decrease chance of cross contact.

Additional Information

We label for the Big 8 Allergens plus some additional information. We strive for accuracy and consistency in labeling, however we cannot guarantee that an item has not changed or come in from a manufacturer with a different ingredient. We monitor this very carefully and at every meal. In some cases, due to current information system software, a few items may not have ingredient information available on line. We are always willing to get a package for a guest to review when they are in the dining operation. We also keep recipes available for anyone who wishes to see ingredients used in a product.

2. We provide access to ingredient information for self-serve* items. *Self-serve - Meals that are served buffet-style in a dining hall. These are typically high risk for cross-contact and are best avoided by diners with food allergies.
Made-To-Order Areas
Made-to-order areas
[Yes, in some stations]
Specific areas

We label for the Big 8 Allergens. We strive for accuracy and consistency in this area, however we cannot guarantee that an item has not changed or come in from a manufacturer with a different ingredient. We monitor this very carefully and at every meal. If a student has made arrangements in advance, they have an email address to contact the dining staff. Otherwise, we have signs posted for those who enter the dining court and need assistance. Supervisory staff is contacted on the radio and come to assist the guest in finding appropriate food. If needed, the staff member will prepare an individual meal that is allergen free for the guest or student. Toppings and ingredients are taken from back-up containers if a student makes a special dietary meal request. Meals for diners with special dietary needs are made on a separate surface.

Additional information

We have signage posted for students with allergies to connect with a trained individual for help when entering the dining court.

3. We have procedures in place to lower the risk of cross-contact in made-to-order areas.
Self-Serve Areas
Self-Serve Areas
[Yes, in some areas]
Specific areas

In all dining courts, all staff are trained in allergy awareness. Any guest or self-identified student with allergies is encouraged to request "allergen free foods" for any meal. Shift leaders and Administrators work individually with each person to make sure the items are prepared without cross contact. Food items are prepared on separate equipment, with clean utensils and clean gloved hands, from foods that are unexposed to the contamination of self serve areas. Calling or ordering ahead is encouraged for students who may be in a hurry to get food and go to classes or meetings. We are unable to guarantee changes in food products from the manufacturer will be labeled, as we are not always notified of processing or handling changes in processing.

Additional Information

A high level, Allertrained dining staff member prepares allergic students’ meals in the station or in the back of the house to avoid cross-contact. With new recommendations listed on this audit, we are now aware of the need to further develop and incorporate additional proactive practices into our receiving and storage routines to decrease any chance of cross-contact in these areas.

4. We have procedures in place to lower the risk of cross-contact in self-serve areas.
Pre-Order Meals
Do students have access to pre-order meals free from their allergens?
Additional information

If a student has made arrangements in advance, they will have an email address and phone contacts for the dining staff to share their arrival and meal preference information. Otherwise, we have signs posted for those who enter the dining court and need assistance. Supervisory staff is contacted on the radio and come to assist the guest in finding appropriate food.

5. We have pre-order meals* available. *Pre-order meals - Custom meals that can be ordered in advance by a diner so they are ready for pick up at a specific time. Typically these can be ordered online or by phone/text.
Allergy-Friendly Station
Do students have access to an allergy-friendly station(s) that is free from specific allergens?
6. We have an allergy-friendly station*. *Allergy-friendly station - A food station where specific ingredients are banned, typically including many or all items in the Top 8 allergens and gluten.
Dining Services Staff Member Trained?
Dining services staff trained?
[Yes, all staff]
How often?
Other (please specify)
All dining court staff recieve allergy awareness training when hired. On a monthly basis, hourly staff discuss an Allerstar training module, and all staff in supervisory roles participate in AllerTrain University classes. These staff take an exam and are
Which course(s) are used?
AllerTrain courses by MenuTrinfo
ServSafe Allergen by National Restaurant Association
What topics are covered?

Staff receives training explaining the seriousness of food allergies and celiac disease. Staff is trained on proper cleaning methods to avoid cross-contact. Dining staff is trained on proper procedures in their area to prevent cross-contact and prepare a meal for a diner with a special dietary need. This may be done for designated employees rather than all employees. There is at least one trained staff member at every dining facility during operating hours who can handle special dietary requests and questions.

Managers are trained on:
• Recognizing anaphylaxis
• Proper treatment for anaphylaxis
• University policies regarding emergency response for anaphylaxis
• Which first responders respond to anaphylactic reactions and whether they carry epinephrine

Non-managerial dining staff are trained on:
• Recognizing anaphylaxis
• How to respond to anaphylaxis in accordance with university policies

Additional information

For over 10 years, Dining staff at Purdue University have worked with guests and students to provide allergen free food items. Training staff on food allergies started at Purdue before it was mandated or legislated. Serving students and guests with food allergies has been a way of life. It started as a grass roots movement to help a few students, it has grown and is now being formalized with policies and procedures that support our passion for serving students with allergies and intolerances.

7. We train dining services staff members.
Registered Dietitian on Staff?
Do you have a registered dietitian on staff?
8. We have a registered dietitian* on staff. *Registered dietitian - Registered dietitians are food and nutrition experts who are often tasked with helping students with food allergies navigate the dining halls.
Campus Life & Disabilities
RAs Trained
RA’s trained
9. We train our RA's.
Inclusive Resident Life Programs Including Food
Inclusive resident life programs involving food?
How can students access safe foods for resident life programs?

Students can self-identify by sharing their food allergy with their Residential Life staff. If the RA is aware of a need for food requests to be inclusive, they are encouraged to do modify their food requests.

Additional information

Dining staff are currently in discussion with the Residential Life leadership to arrange for RA allergy training. RA staff are currently trained to contact Purdue University on campus Fire Department for any medical emergencies.

10. We have inclusive resident life programs* including food. *Inclusive resident life programs - Programs in the resident halls often include food. Inclusive resident life programs will offer students with food allergies the opportunity to request safe food alternatives for events they attend in the dorms.
Accommodations for Roommate Assignments
ROLLUP - Accommodations for roommate assignments
How does the school provide accommodations?
Trying to match students with food allergies for room assignments upon request
Facilitating roommate agreements involving food allergies upon request
Working with students to change roommate assignments if it becomes necessary
Does the housing office process requests?
No, another office on campus processes these requests (please specify)
Disability Resource Center processes the request, then forwards a recommendation to housing assignments.
Where can students get more information?
Disability Resource Center
Young Hall, Room 830
Additional information

On the housing contracting site, if the student answers 'Yes' to the question about medical condition that requires accommodation, a new window will pop up with the accommodation form. Additional information and how to submit the request to the Disability Resource Center will also be provided.

11. We offer accommodations for roommate assignments. *Every accommodation request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. A housing accommodation cannot be guaranteed prior to an individual evaluation.
Disability Services Office Processes Food Allergy and Celiac Disease Accommodation Requests
Disability services office processes food allergy and celiac disease accommodation requests
Other departments a student should contact?

If an accommodation request is filed with the Disability Resource Center, they will work with dining to help set up the accommodation. It is also helpful for the allergic student to email allergicboiler@purdue.edu. This email connects directly with dining allergy specialists who can share specifics about dining on campus during freshman summer scheduling, orientation week, summer camps, and attending the allergy fair before school starts. Making this connection with dining staff helps resolve anxiety about dining before classes actually begin.

How can students submit an accommodations request?

Disability Resource Center (DRC) staff will assist with this process, connect with them via email at drc@purdue.edu. All dining and housing accommodations are processed through the DRC office. We work collaboratively with them. http://www.purdue.edu/studentsuccess/specialized/drc/

Additional Information

Dining and the Disability Resource Center (DRC) staff have been very successful over the past few years as we collaborate with students with food allergies to make dining plans. Once the DRC is contacted, a meeting is set up with the student, Dining, and the DRC to create a plan for the accommodation. This has proven to work very effectively. Ultimately, we work individually with the student and their needs until they feel safe, comfortable, and confident in their plan for meals and dining at Purdue.

12. Our disability office processes food allergy and celiac disease accommodation requests.
Health Services
What health services are offered?
Food allergy management care
Prescriptions for epinephrine
Seasonal allergy shots
Prescriptions written at PUSH may be filled at the Pharmacy School Pharmacy or at any community pharmacy.Purdue Student Health Center does give allergy injections for students who have the injections provided by their personal allergists. The Health Center does not do any diagnostic testing and does not have an allergist on staff. There are allergists available in the Lafayette community who test for allergies.
See what health services we offer >
Emergency Response
Stock, Undesignated Epinephrine Available for Emergency Response
Stock, undesignated epinephrine for emergencies
13. We have stock, undesignated epinephrine* available for emergency response. *Stock, undesignated epinephrine - Epinephrine that is prescribed to a college or university rather than to a particular student. This epinephrine is kept on hand to use for any student that experiences anaphylaxis.
Campus Emergency Responders Carry Epinephrine
Campus emergency responders carry epinephrine
Who are the emergency responders?
On-campus emergency responders
Purdue University Paramedics with Advanced Life support training
Additional information

The emergency response team of Purdue Fire, Emergency Medical, and Paramedics are located at the fire station near the Rec Sports Center. The fire station sits adjacent and amidst the on campus residential housing units. Dining courts are located in this area as well.

14. Our campus emergency responders carry epinephrine.
Emergency Response Policy
What does the policy allow for?
Staff is trained to recognize anaphylaxis and call emergency responders
On-campus emergency responders carry epinephrine for use in an emergency
Purdue University has its own on site Paramedic and Fire/Advance Life Support Ambulance team. The Fire Department can be in any location on campus in 3 minutes or less. The Paramedics carry stock epinephrine for emergency use.
Additional Information

Purdue Fire Department is located on campus and is within 2-5 blocks of the dining courts, in the residential area of campus. Advanced Life Support Paramedics respond to campus 911 calls. The emergency response teams are well versed in the best access to the dining courts and buildings at all hours.

See what our emergency response policy allows for >
Contact Info
Disability Staff Contact
Randall K. Ward, M.A., LPC
(765) 494-1245
Last Updated on:
College profiles containing a purple checkmark under the university name are verified college users. All other profiles have been generated through publicly available information from college websites. Accommodations may be available that are not listed here.