Bellarmine University
Verifiedsoup station, pizza station, and grill
Salad bar does not have the allergens listed, but can be provided upon request.
we always have a pan available to prepare and allergen free meal .
At the salad bar allergens are separated from non allergen containing foods.
To receive a pre-ordered meal students must meet with the dietitian first to set up the meal order.
We have our Simple Servings station line. The food at this station is prepared in a kitchen that only prepares the allergen free option. This area does not allow any other prep work to be done there. All of our cooks and servers go through a training to better understand the allergens and decrease the risk of cross contact.
No peanuts are ever offered, foods labeled, try to offer a gluten free alternative when serving food. They can always ask the RA for a food allergy alternative.
Disability services is your best contact for housing accommodations. Start with contacting them.
online at
please contact us early if you are wanting a meal plan accommodation.