Framingham State University

Dining Services
Made-to-order items
Made-to-order items
[Yes, for all stations]
How are ingredients available?
Table: Ingredient Info Availability
Top 8 allergens, online database
Full ingredients, online database
Top 8 allergens, a list is posted in the dining hall
Full ingredients, a list is posted in the dining hall
Top 8 allergens, available on request in the dining hall
Full ingredients, available on request in the dining hall
Top 8 Allergens
Full Ingredients
We provide ingredient information for all foods served in the Dining Commons upon request. A full allergen/ingredient statement can also be found online via the website and app.
Specific areas

All short-order stations in the Dining Commons have menu items listed with the Top 8 Allergens. Additional ingredient information is available upon request.

1. We provide access to ingredient information for made-to-order* items. *Made-to-order - Meals that are prepared on request and to your specification in the dining hall. Examples include a sandwich station, omelet station, burrito station, etc.
Self-Serve Items
Self-Serve Items
[Yes, for all stations]
How are ingredients available?
Table: Ingredient Info Availability
Top 8 allergens, online database
Full ingredients, online database
Top 8 allergens, a list is posted in the dining hall
Full ingredients, a list is posted in the dining hall
Top 8 allergens, available on request in the dining hall
Full ingredients, available on request in the dining hall
Top 8 Allergens
Full Ingredients
We provide ingredient information for all foods served in the Dining Commons upon request. A full allergen/ingredient statement can also be found online via the website and app.
Specific areas

All self-serve areas in the Dining Commons have menu items listed with the Top 8 Allergens. Additional ingredient information is available upon request.

2. We provide access to ingredient information for self-serve* items. *Self-serve - Meals that are served buffet-style in a dining hall. These are typically high risk for cross-contact and are best avoided by diners with food allergies.
Made-To-Order Areas
Made-to-order areas
[Yes, in all stations]
Specific areas

The State Street Deli has specific cross-contact procedures in place.

Additional information

Students should inform the staff at every station in the Dining Commons of their food allergy. At made-to-order locations, students may request their food be made using items from back-up containers and separate utensils. Procedures are in place to ensure food is made on a clean surface.

3. We have procedures in place to lower the risk of cross-contact in made-to-order areas.
Self-Serve Areas
Self-Serve Areas
[Yes, in all areas]
Specific areas

The salad bar is set up with high-risk/allergen containing foods grouped together. The MyZone pantry is designed to only contain gluten, peanut and treenut free products.

Additional Information

Our staff is trained to prevent cross-contact at all stations in the Dining Commons. We do advise students with food allergies to request products be taken from back-up to ensure their dining needs are being met. In addition, all self-service items are labeled with the Top 9 Allergens it may contain.

4. We have procedures in place to lower the risk of cross-contact in self-serve areas.
Pre-Order Meals
Do students have access to pre-order meals free from their allergens?
Additional information

While most guests are able to navigate the Dining Commons using the tools and resources provided, we realize that some guests require additional attention. In these instances, we take a personalized approach to working with our guests to ensure that all of their dietary needs are effectively met. Accommodations (pre-ordered meals) will be provided for students who have seen a health care provider and have been formally diagnosed with a condition requiring dietary accommodations. Students should refer to the Dietary/Meal Plan Modification Policy on the Framingham State University Disability/Access Services website (…).

5. We have pre-order meals* available. *Pre-order meals - Custom meals that can be ordered in advance by a diner so they are ready for pick up at a specific time. Typically these can be ordered online or by phone/text.
Allergy-Friendly Station
Do students have access to an allergy-friendly station(s) that is free from specific allergens?
What is the station free from?
Tree nut
Sesame, products containing fish (with the exception of fin fish itself)
Additional Information

We have two allergen-friendly stations in our Dining Commons, Simple Servings and Simple Zone. Simple Servings provides safe and appetizing food choices for our customers with food allergies or gluten intolerance. Open seven days a week for lunch and dinner, Simple Servings provides meals naturally free of milk, eggs, wheat, soy, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, sesame, and gluten. Separate utensils, cooking equipment, and preparation areas minimize but do not totally eliminate the changes of gluten and allergens in our Simple Servings foods. The Simple Zone pantry contains gluten-free, peanut-free and treenut free products. In addition, Simple Zone has a designated toaster oven and microwave for products that do not contain gluten, peanuts and treenuts. Simple Zone areas give customers the ability to be involved in their own allergen-safe meal preparation. 

6. We have an allergy-friendly station*. *Allergy-friendly station - A food station where specific ingredients are banned, typically including many or all items in the Top 8 allergens and gluten.
Dining Services Staff Member Trained?
Dining services staff trained?
[Yes, all staff]
How often?
At least once a year
Which course(s) are used?
AllerTrain courses by MenuTrinfo
ServSafe Allergen by National Restaurant Association
We developed our own food allergy training.
Sodexo Food Allergy 101 training required at minimum twice per year for all employees
What topics are covered?

Topics Covered Include: Food Allergies, Celiac Disesae, Food Sensitivities and Intolerance, Avoiding Cross-Contact, Emergency Procedures, Signs and Symptoms of Allergic Reaction, Food Storage/Handling, Cleaning and Sanitizing

7. We train dining services staff members.
Registered Dietitian on Staff?
Do you have a registered dietitian on staff?
8. We have a registered dietitian* on staff. *Registered dietitian - Registered dietitians are food and nutrition experts who are often tasked with helping students with food allergies navigate the dining halls.
Campus Life & Disabilities
RAs Trained
RA’s trained
9. We train our RA's.
Inclusive Resident Life Programs Including Food
Inclusive resident life programs involving food?
How can students access safe foods for resident life programs?

Students can speak with the Catering Department in Dining Services to discuss menu options and accommodations. 

Additional information

Resident Assistants receive general training on medical emergencies.

10. We have inclusive resident life programs* including food. *Inclusive resident life programs - Programs in the resident halls often include food. Inclusive resident life programs will offer students with food allergies the opportunity to request safe food alternatives for events they attend in the dorms.
Accommodations for Roommate Assignments
ROLLUP - Accommodations for roommate assignments
How does the school provide accommodations?
Trying to match students with food allergies for room assignments upon request
Working with students to change roommate assignments if it becomes necessary
All students are able to select their own roommate if they choose to. Students may opt to contact Residence Life if acquiring about selecting a roommate with similar allergies.
Does the housing office process requests?
Where can students get more information?
11. We offer accommodations for roommate assignments. *Every accommodation request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. A housing accommodation cannot be guaranteed prior to an individual evaluation.
Disability Services Office Processes Food Allergy and Celiac Disease Accommodation Requests
Disability services office processes food allergy and celiac disease accommodation requests
Other departments a student should contact?

The accommodation process begins in the office of Disability/Access Services.

How can students submit an accommodations request?

Students should set up a meeting with the Campus Dietitian to discuss their needs in detail and to tour the Dining Commons. After all information has been reviewed by Dining Services, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the student highlighting the discussion and what accommodations will be provided to the student. If however, students do not feel their dietary needs are able to be met, they may request a modification to the dining contract. Accommodations may be provided for students who have seen a health care provider and have been formally diagnosed with a condition requiring dietary accommodations. Students should refer to the Dietary/Meal Plan Modification Policy on the Framingham State University Disability/Access Services website (…).

12. Our disability office processes food allergy and celiac disease accommodation requests.
Health Services
What health services are offered?
Food allergy management care
Prescriptions for epinephrine
Please refer to the Health Center website for all services available:
See what health services we offer >
Emergency Response
Stock, Undesignated Epinephrine Available for Emergency Response
Stock, undesignated epinephrine for emergencies
Healthcare facilities
Additional information

If the student is prescribed an epinephrine injector, they are solely responsible for its use. Dining Services does not have epinephrine injectors available at any of its dining locations. The Dining Services staff cannot administer or provide them. The student should alert friends, roommates, and/or resident assistant of their condition, educate them about the signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock, and provide them with the steps to take if such an incident occurs.

13. We have stock, undesignated epinephrine* available for emergency response. *Stock, undesignated epinephrine - Epinephrine that is prescribed to a college or university rather than to a particular student. This epinephrine is kept on hand to use for any student that experiences anaphylaxis.
Campus Emergency Responders Carry Epinephrine
Campus emergency responders carry epinephrine
[Not answered]
Who are the emergency responders?
On-campus emergency responders
City emergency responders
Additional information

Campus Police do not carry epinephrine. The ambulance that is contacted carries epinephrine.

14. Our campus emergency responders carry epinephrine.
Emergency Response Policy
What does the policy allow for?
Staff is trained to recognize anaphylaxis and call emergency responders
See what our emergency response policy allows for >
Contact Info
Dining Services Staff Contact
Disability Staff Contact
Tanya Milette, Associate Director of Disability Access Services
Last Updated on:
College profiles containing a purple checkmark under the university name are verified college users. All other profiles have been generated through publicly available information from college websites. Accommodations may be available that are not listed here.