Wagner College
Not VerifiedWagner Dining is committed to serving healthy and nutritious options on campus to meet the needs of all guests. We are proud to be serving the community cuisines to nourish their mind and bodies. From sourcing our ingredients to preparing our menus, we keep health and wellness at the forefront of everything we do. At Wagner College, we strive to serve all guests with their verision of nutritious options. Our programing includes allergen friendly, vegan and vegetarian, superfoods, balanced options, and transparency. Our Balanced U icon identification system is located next to each menu item in our dining halls (balanced, vegetarian, vegan, and avoiding gluten (foods that do not include gluten-containing ingredients; we avoid cross-contact but cannot guarantee they are gluten-free). When navigating through the dining hall, look for these symbols to idetinify food that fit your dietary preferences and to help you make informed dietary choices!
Wagner Dining is committed to serving healthy and nutritious options on campus to meet the needs of all guests. We are proud to be serving the community cuisines to nourish their mind and bodies. From sourcing our ingredients to preparing our menus, we keep health and wellness at the forefront of everything we do. At Wagner College, we strive to serve all guests with their verision of nutritious options. Our programing includes allergen friendly, vegan and vegetarian, superfoods, balanced options, and transparency. Our Balanced U icon identification system is located next to each menu item in our dining halls (balanced, vegetarian, vegan, and avoiding gluten (foods that do not include gluten-containing ingredients; we avoid cross-contact but cannot guarantee they are gluten-free). When navigating through the dining hall, look for these symbols to idetinify food that fit your dietary preferences and to help you make informed dietary choices!
Wagner Dining is committed to serving healthy and nutritious options on campus to meet the needs of all guests. We are proud to be serving the community cuisines to nourish their mind and bodies. From sourcing our ingredients to preparing our menus, we keep health and wellness at the forefront of everything we do. At Wagner College, we strive to serve all guests with their verision of nutritious options. Our programing includes allergen friendly, vegan and vegetarian, superfoods, balanced options, and transparency. Our Balanced U icon identification system is located next to each menu item in our dining halls (balanced, vegetarian, vegan, and avoiding gluten (foods that do not include gluten-containing ingredients; we avoid cross-contact but cannot guarantee they are gluten-free). When navigating through the dining hall, look for these symbols to idetinify food that fit your dietary preferences and to help you make informed dietary choices!
Wagner Dining is committed to serving healthy and nutritious options on campus to meet the needs of all guests. We are proud to be serving the community cuisines to nourish their mind and bodies. From sourcing our ingredients to preparing our menus, we keep health and wellness at the forefront of everything we do. At Wagner College, we strive to serve all guests with their verision of nutritious options. Our programing includes allergen friendly, vegan and vegetarian, superfoods, balanced options, and transparency. Our Balanced U icon identification system is located next to each menu item in our dining halls (balanced, vegetarian, vegan, and avoiding gluten (foods that do not include gluten-containing ingredients; we avoid cross-contact but cannot guarantee they are gluten-free). When navigating through the dining hall, look for these symbols to idetinify food that fit your dietary preferences and to help you make informed dietary choices!
Wagner Dining is committed to serving healthy and nutritious options on campus to meet the needs of all guests. We are proud to be serving the community cuisines to nourish their mind and bodies. From sourcing our ingredients to preparing our menus, we keep health and wellness at the forefront of everything we do. At Wagner College, we strive to serve all guests with their verision of nutritious options. Our programing includes allergen friendly, vegan and vegetarian, superfoods, balanced options, and transparency. Our Balanced U icon identification system is located next to each menu item in our dining halls (balanced, vegetarian, vegan, and avoiding gluten (foods that do not include gluten-containing ingredients; we avoid cross-contact but cannot guarantee they are gluten-free). When navigating through the dining hall, look for these symbols to idetinify food that fit your dietary preferences and to help you make informed dietary choices!
Our Balanced U icon identification system is located next to each menu item in our dining halls (balanced, vegetarian, vegan, and avoiding gluten (foods that do not include gluten-containing ingredients; we avoid cross-contact but cannot guarantee they are gluten-free). When navigating through the dining hall, look for these symbols to idetinify food that fit your dietary preferences and to help you make informed dietary choices!
Residential Education will support student success trhough their degree completion as an agency of Wagner College & the Division of Campus Life. We will provide programs and services wth direct emphasis on student growth and development with a staff of trained and caring paraprofessionals and professionals.
Wagner College recognizes that residence hall living is integral to a college experience. Accordingly, we recognize that students with disabilities may require a specific type of housing to fully participate in the residential component of the college experience. For students with documented disabilities, Wagner College will make every effort to provide reasonable disability housing accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended (ADAAA). A disability is defined under the ADAAA as any mental or physical impairment that substantially limits the individual in a major life activity compared to the average person. Wagner College has established the following procedures to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to residential housing.
A note on Medical Singles: Please note that the availability of single rooms is extremely limited. Medical singles are only granted in cases where the student would be unable to participate in Campus Housing if they did not receive approval for a single room. There is no additional cost to students approved for Medical Singles; students will be charged the double-room occupancy rate for that academic year.
The Medical Housing Committee is comprised of representatives from the Center for Health and Wellness, Disability Services, and Residential Education.
Requests should be submitted before the published deadlines so that accommodations can be taken into account during the fall and spring room assignment processes. The Medical Housing Committee, comprised of representatives from the Center for Health and Wellness, Disability Services, and Residential Education, will meet once during winter break and twice during summer break to review requests. Students will be notified via campus email of the committee’s recommendation. Should medical concerns arise during the course of the semester, the committee will convene to review these requests as necessary.
A note on Medical Singles: Please note that the availability of single rooms is extremely limited. Medical singles are only granted in cases where the student would be unable to participate in Campus Housing if they did not receive approval for a single room. There is no additional cost to students approved for Medical Singles; students will be charged the double-room occupancy rate for that academic year.
Documentation Guidelines: The College requires documentation from a licensed healthcare provider that describes the student’s disability and supports the request for Medical Housing Accommodation. The healthcare provider should not be related to the student. Staff from the Wagner College Center for Health and Wellness should also not complete the documentation form, as they sit on the Medical Housing Accommodation Committee.
Wagner College recognizes that residence hall living is integral to a college experience. Accordingly, we recognize that students with disabilities may require a specific type of housing to fully participate in the residential component of the college experience. For students with documented disabilities, Wagner College will make every effort to provide reasonable disability housing accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended (ADAAA). A disability is defined under the ADAAA as any mental or physical impairment that substantially limits the individual in a major life activity compared to the average person. Wagner College has established the following procedures to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to residential housing.
A note on Medical Singles: Please note that the availability of single rooms is extremely limited. Medical singles are only granted in cases where the student would be unable to participate in Campus Housing if they did not receive approval for a single room. There is no additional cost to students approved for Medical Singles; students will be charged the double-room occupancy rate for that academic year.
Our goal is to enhance the health and well being of our students in support of their learning and success.
The Health and Wellness Center embraces a holistic approach to provide accessible, high quality health care. We practice and educate students on the right to health equity, social justice, human dignity and respect for all. We are providers of student centered services, providing professional excellence, responsiveness and ethical practice. We provide a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach to well health with active inclusion of student involvement.
Wagner College Public Safety Department is here to foster the mission of the College by providing a safe, secure, and comfortable environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors. All members of Wagner Public Safety Service are expected to respect each individual, and treat each individual with professionalism and civility while maintaining the rules and guidelines that will ensure the safety and security of all persons at Wagner College.